My goal in handcrafting and designing mandolins is to achieve the traditional beautiful look, particularly seen with the F5 design, by using traditional methods. Though this often requires more time and patience the end result is one of higher quality as well as attention to detail. Of course I also have some more modern tools to get the basics done but when it comes to getting the gentle curves of the mandolin just so I prefer to use hand tools such as chisels, scrapers and sandpaper.
I have always been taken with the original F5 design and for now I'am really enjoying the challenge of hand carving this particular design, however I do plan on offering A5 models as well as guitars in the future.
My love for playing music is really what inspired me to begin making my own instruments in the first place. This love and knowledge of how an instrument should sound has greatly contributed to my goal of constructing instruments with quality of sound being first priority.
What's in the name
I've always been referred to as an old soul from friends and family, from the music I listen to right down to the way I dress. In regards to wood instruments, technology is good and interesting but in my opinion the old way still holds true and always will.
To make a great sounding instrument you need a flexible yet strong wood for the top. Spruce fits the bill perfectly as it is the strongest wood per weight. Sitka, Engelmann, Adirondack, that's the good stuff. Also a firm, resounding back and sides is a must and maple is my favorite and the traditionalists choice! For beauty and durability nothing beats an ebony finger board.
The challenges
I prefer not use a pattern duplicator (I do use a small router) for taking off access wood, but for that reason it takes a lot more time and elbow grease to get to the point where I can start scraping and chiseling. The beauty of a handcrafted instrument is that no two will ever be alike, there will always be signs of the fact that it was done by hand and not mass produced in large factories giving it character and originality but at times frustrating my perfectionist ways.
From time to time I have mandolins already made and for sale in which case I will list them on this page otherwise I prefer made to order instruments. For now I offer two options in the choice of mandolins for purchase. Option 1: Basic F model. Option 2: Premium F model, this features mother of pearl design and logo inlay and ivoroid binding. On made to order purchases I'm more than willing to work with the preferences of the buyer. All mandolins will come with a quality hard shell case. For all purchases and questions please feel free to contact me through my email address,
In summary
I want every person who purchases one of my handcrafted instruments to love and enjoy playing it forever. So much time and care has gone into making each and every one with quality and durability being of the upmost importance.